Parish Life

“For where two or three are gathered in my name,
I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

We at St. Andrew’s believe that faith is formed and molded by everything we do in the name of Christ. We offer opportunities for regular prayer, meditation, service, developing of our gifts, celebration, table fellowship, and just plain fun together as a community.

  • Contemplative Prayer

    St. Andrew’s offers a weekly gathering for Contemplative Prayer meditation, both in person and on Zoom. We meet 4-4:30 p.m. every Wednesday in the Christian Ed Building. Everyone is welcome, including members of the broader community. Contemplative Prayer offers time out from the daily routine to simply gather and sit in silence. With open hearts and minds, participants enter the silence with an intention to let go of feelings, thoughts, judgement, and analysis as they welcome the presence and love of God and send that love out into the world.

  • Daughters of the King

    The mission of the Order of the Daughters of the King is the extension of Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism. At their monthly meetings, members act on all prayer requests, have a study session, and seek ways to further their service to Christ. Daughters at St. Andrew’s serve at the behest of the parish priest, and seek to serve Christ in all persons, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being. Prayer is the foundation from which their service grows.

  • Episcopal Church Women

    The ECW is a national organization of Episcopal women committed to furthering the Kingdom in their parish, diocese, and community. At St. Andrew’s members engage in such projects as the United Thank Offering, All Saints’ Memorial Day Offering, special Lenten and Advent dinners, and an annual parish yard sale. The St. Andrew’s ECW also provides support to Thompson Children’s Home, which provides services to children and families throughout the Carolinas.

  • Hospitality

    Jesus often ministered through table fellowship. The Hospitality Ministry organizes and facilitates any congregation-wide event that includes food. They make sure the pantry is stocked, and the kitchen clean and orderly. The most frequent event at St. Andrew’s is coffee hour after the service each Sunday, but Hospitality often serves for other celebrations and programs. They know that gathering and eating together is another way to glorify God.

  • Special events

    St. Andrew’s is all about community – within the church and within the wider community. Parishioners have participated in neighborhood block parties with BBQ, fried fish, and lots of kid games; the “Read ‘em and Eat” book club, reading serious books as well as silly ones; yard sales for fun and profit; the Lunch Bunch who go out for late lunch after church on Sundays at 4:00 p.m.; and men’s breakfasts. St. Andrew’s has always believed that fun and fellowship is another form of faith development.

  • Read 'em & Eat Book Club

    On the last Friday of each month our book club meets for lunch and coversation about a book that the group has chosen to read. The book may be fiction or nonfiction. We meet at the house of one of our members.