“Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise!” Psalm 95:2
St. Andrew’s celebrates the power and beauty of the Episcopal liturgy with reverence, a strong but flexible love of tradition, and a sense of gathered community.
Music Ministry
Rooted in traditional Anglican song, music at St Andrew’s is diverse, and on any given Sunday you may hear dulcimers as well as piano. The organ and choir are always the foundation of all music offered in praise to God at St. Andrew’s.
The parish has a congregation of enthusiastic singers who gladly add their voices, and the mosaic of Anglican chant, classical anthems, world music, gospel, and old favorites creates that “joyful noise” to the glory of God.
In October 2022 we formed a children’s choir for children ages 3-12. Practice takes place after worship on Sundays, 12 - 12:30, in the nave. Our children offer their joyful praises during worship periodically throughout the year. The choir offers the opportunity for children to grow and share their gifts with our church community while building skills in music and singing. Contact Jennie Band for more information.
Lay Liturgical Ministry
St. Andrew’s has an array of lay participants in its worship services.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers read the designated (non-Gospel) New Testament passages for each service, lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People, and assist the priest with Holy Communion. Lectors come from the congregation to read from the Old Testament. In addition, there are Lay Eucharistic Visitors who take home communion to those unable to attend services in person. Acolytes of all ages serve as crucifers. Worship at St. Andrew’s is truly a “work of the people.”
Altar Guild
Altar Guild members arrive faithfully on Saturdays to set up for Sunday worship, with a careful eye for liturgical seasonal changes. Their duties include putting candles on the altar, setting up a lavabo bowl with purificator and a cruet with water to clean the priest’s hands, and making sure all other liturgical items are ready for Sunday service. For Holy Communion, Guild members bake their own gluten-free “holy bread,” which is very popular with everyone in the parish. We currently offer both the common chalice and individual cups. To labor for the beauty of the liturgy is truly a labor of love.
Pastoral Services
The service of Holy Baptism is full initiation into the Church, the Body of Christ. Anyone of any age may be baptized after instruction. Please contact Mtr. Karen if you would like more information at rectorstandrewscanton@gmail.com.
Any member or their family member is welcome to celebrate a wedding at St. Andrew’s. If you are interested, please contact Mtr. Karen at least six months in advance in order to receive pre-marital counseling.
The Burial Office may be celebrated at St. Andrew’s for any member of the church. We offer a columbarium in which to inter ashes, or they may be buried or scattered in our Memorial Garden as well. Please contact Mtr. Karen for further information.