Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, Yr C (2025) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
I am struggling.
I think most of us, if not all of us, are struggling.
Some of us are struggling with our bodies:
with unrelenting pain,
or new diagnoses,
or diseases that are chronic…
that we learn how to manage as best we can,
and we are grateful for times of relief….
3 Epiphany, Yr C (2025) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
In today’s gospel story we hear that:
filled with the power of the Spirit,
returned to Galilee.”
Where had he been?
2 Epiphany, Yr C (2025) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Are you a glass half-full
or a glass half-empty kind of person…?
Baptism of our Lord, Yr C (2025) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Today we gather to celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord…
and our own baptisms alongside that of Jesus.
As today’s Gospel begins,
we hear that “the people were filled with expectation….”
2 Christmas, Yr C (2025) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Arise, shine; for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD has dawned upon you!
When I was growing up our diocesan cathedral held a service called,
“The Feast of Lights,”
which celebrated Epiphany and the arrival of the three kings.
Christmas Eve, Yr C (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Does anyone remember Advent calendars?
I looked for one this year but could not find one…
granted I didn’t look that hard!
3 Advent, Yr C (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Today the voice of John the Baptist still echoes from the walls…
“You brood of vipers!
Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Get over yourselves and let go of your arrogance.
Even as we speak, the ax is lying at the root of the trees.
Time is short: bear fruits worthy of repentance….”
1 Advent, Yr C (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
For what do you hope?
For what do you hope?
Today is the first day of Advent.
It is a season of waiting.
It is a season of preparation and anticipation:
for birth…
and for re-birth….
All Saints Sunday, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Have you even been in a conversation in which you were merrily talking along, and then the other person said something that made you realize that you weren’t really talking about the same thing at all? …
Proper 28, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“As Jesus came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him,
‘Look, Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!’
Jesus, not known for beating around the bush, responds in short:
“All will be thrown down….”
Proper 27, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
As Christians, what is our purpose?
How do we live our lives in faithfulness to God?
…as followers of Jesus?
All Saints Sunday, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away….”
“And the one who was seated on the throne said,
‘See, I am making all things new….’”
Proper 25, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Does that question sound familiar?…
Proper 24, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
When my children were little,
I would occasionally feel a tug on the hem of my shirt,
and when I would turn to look,
I would see beautiful, big, brown eyes and a smile looking up at me…
Proper 23, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
The question of the day is:
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
The man who asks Jesus this question is very earnest....
Proper 22, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Sometimes clergy receive phone calls from out-of-town clergy asking if we will go visit their parishioner in the local hospital.
A few years ago, I received such a call asking if I could go visit a 13 year-old boy and his mother....
Proper 20, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“Greatness” seems to be the topic of the day.
When Jesus and his disciples finish their journey to Capernaum, he turns and asks them, “So, guys, what were you arguing about on the way?”
Proper 19, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“Who do you say that I am?
I remember attending the funeral of a colleague and friend named Deborah.
As we celebrated her life and witness, I heard anew Deborah’s invitation to come and follow Jesus....
Proper 18, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Have you,
or someone you know,
ever experienced such desperation for your child,
or any family member,
or friend…
that you would do absolutely ANYTHING
to help find relief for your loved one?
Proper 17, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“Arise, my love, my fair one,
and come away….”
The Pharisees were not bad people.
In fact, they were quite the opposite.