Proper 24, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
This morning I want to talk about light…
God’s Light… and your light.
Proper 23, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Today we hear the end of Paul’s letter to the church community at Philippi, but I want to back up to the beginning of that letter.
Proper 22, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
The October light has arrived in the Western North Carolina skies!
Ray and I got our first glimpse as we took our dogs for a walk one evening earlier this week….
Proper 21, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
God offers life!
I want to begin there and end there today,
even if we wander through the muck of life in the middle…
Proper 20, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Consider this scenario:
On your way home one afternoon you hear an announcement on the radio that one of your favorite musicians is going to give an acoustic concert. …
Proper 19, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
God bless Peter:
he’s still trying to get it right!
Proper 18, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“Owe no one anything, except to love one another;
for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”
Proper 15, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Kyrie eleison….
Lord, have mercy.
Today’s Gospel story begins like so many others:
someone comes to Jesus asking for help and healing….
Proper 14, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Today’s story, like so many others, is filled with fear and doubt
yet punctuated with moments of intense faith….
so very like our own lives…
The Feast of the Transfiguration, (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Can you think of a time in your life when you knew that you were in the presence of something Holy…
something Holy that had something to say to you?
Proper 12, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Have you ever been in a conversation and asked one of those stumper questions?
I find that children usually do a great job with those.
Proper 11, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Having purchased a house with a yard much larger than we anticipated, and having cut the grass on the fairly steep hill in the backyard 2 or 3 times, we quickly decided that the grassy knoll would become terraced beds….
Proper 10, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
At the beginning of COVID, Ray was not allowed into go to the hospital unless he was seeing patients, so he and I spent a great deal of time out in our yard….
Proper 9, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
“To what will I compare this generation?”
Jesus asked that question thousands of years ago….
We still ask that question as every new generation arises, do we not?
Proper 8, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
Despite the spoiler alert that begins today’s Old Testament reading…
“God tested Abraham...”
and despite the fact that we know how the story ends…Isaac lives,
I suspect that each of us shivers or recoils in horror as we hear:
“Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to kill his son!”
Proper 7, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
There is enough blessing to go around.
There is enough blessing to go around…
like, really…there is!
Proper 6, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
When, and how, has God shown up for you when times were rough?
When you weren’t sure you could get through…
or even go on?
Proper 5, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield
In today’s Scripture readings there is a lot of “going” and “following!”
Since we are disciples (that is, “followers”) of Jesus, the Son of the living God, I think it’s worth spending some time looking a bit closer at these actions and what they mean for us….