St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

2 Lent, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

Up to this point in the Gospel of Mark we hear stories of Jesus restoring life:
            giving sight to the blind,
                        driving demons out of the possessed,
                                    restoring mobility to the lame….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Ash Wednesday, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

One of my favorite spiritual authors is Henri Nouwen. I want to share with you some of his words that capture the spirit of Lent:
“Our life is a short time in expectation,
a time in which sadness and joy kiss each other at every moment…..”

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

3 Advent, Yr B (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

One early evening a few days before Thanksgiving, a friend pulled into a parking spot at her neighborhood Walgreen’s.

As she walked around the corner, she almost stepped on a man who was sitting on the ground, leaning up against one of the pillars….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 27, Yr A (2023) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

I called to check on someone having a procedure in the hospital, fully expecting the surgery to be complete, but instead their spouse said:
“They just took him back…
It feels like a day of ‘hurry up and wait.’”

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