St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 12, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

Today we hear two miracle stories from the gospel of John.

In John’s gospel Jesus knows exactly who he is: the Son of God…
           but the disciples are still trying to figure things out.
Just like, perhaps, we’re still trying to figure things out….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 11, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

I don’t have anything earth-shattering to share with you this morning,
            but I do have an invitation for you:
     “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 9, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

There is a line in today’s Scripture passages that jumped out to me.

These are the words Paul recounts that God said to him:
           “My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is made perfect in weakness….”

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 8, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

As I was reflecting on today’s gospel texts,
          and the story of the hemorrhaging woman, in particular,
       I wondered about the effects of isolation
on the human soul
and the human community….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 7, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

As a child I was terrified of storms.

There was a huge, old oak tree outside my bedroom,
          and I was afraid a strong wind or lightning
would bring the tree crashing through the roof and onto my head….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 5, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

Many years ago, when I was in my mid-20s and wasn’t afraid to open my front door to strangers, I heard a knock and opened the door to find several well-dressed folks standing on our front stoop….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Proper 4, Yr B (2024), The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

This past Wednesday, after sitting in my office all morning,
           I told Carolyn I was going to sit outside for a few minutes
      and read in preparation for my sermon this morning….

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

Day of Pentecost, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

As I was making choices from among the readings for today’s service,
          the reading from Ezekiel struck a chord within me.

We just read this passage at the Easter Vigil,
     yet when I read about the valley of dry bones a couple of weeks ago,
       a slew of images immediately popped into my head.

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

6 Easter, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

Jesus said to his disciples,

            “As the Father has loved me,

                        so I have loved you;

                                    abide in my love…..

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St. Andrew's St. Andrew's

3 Easter, Yr B (2024) The Rev. Karen C. Barfield

Some years ago, I went on a silent retreat at the Trinity Episcopal Center in Salter Path, NC…right across the road from the ocean.

Having never been there before, I was struck by how many trees there were….

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